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About 10411698
Elementary (3-6) Math, Elementary (3-6) Reading
Bachelors in Environmental Science from North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Career Experience
Hello everyone! Marica here, environmental and research scientist. I conduct water quality data and research analysis across North Carolina for various firms and agencies. My research primarily stems from my passion for good water quality and public service.
I Love Tutoring Because
I understand what it's like to not understand an important topic. This is why I'm dedicated to helping students overcome difficulties and leave feeling improved and successful! If you'd like to have reoccurring sessions with me at a set time weekly, set up a weekly appointment! I look forward to working with you.
Other Interests
Beekeeping, Dance, Gardening, Hiking, Reading, Tennis
Reviews (36)
English - Elementary (3-6) Language Arts
Science - Elementary (3-6) Science
Science - Elementary (3-6) Science
Student Success