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About 10657808
Essay Writing, Essay Writing
Bachelors in English Language and Literature, General from Colorado College
Career Experience
I have taught, tutored, and mentored students for the past 8+ years, serving as a writing center tutor for college students, a private tutor for students needing extra assistance with their classes, and a teacher of English as a Foreign Language to students overseas.
I Love Tutoring Because
tutoring not only helps students in the immediate moment with the material they are studying but works to build longer-term skills that students can use to problem-solve, think creatively and critically, and succeed with their work in the future. I love watching students grow over the course of my time working with them and the moments of realization that come when they understand something they've been struggling with.
Other Interests
Cooking, Creative writing, Hiking, Reading
Reviews (108)
FP - Essay Writing
Career Services - Resume and Career Help
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
English - Essay Writing - College Level