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About 11022222
Elementary (3-6) Math, Midlevel (7-8) Math
Career Experience
Throughout my career I have increased my IT knowledge in a number of different fields that range from information management to digital marketing and full-stack development. I have studied and worked in 4 different countries. IT revolution has brought countless changes to the market and to our lives. I do not resist these changes but adapt and make the best of them, always ready to face the challenges imposed by the current digital era. Part-time professor & CDR/CSR consultant. Hard worker, committed and self-motivated.
I Love Tutoring Because
it offers me the unique opportunity to tailor the learning experience to each individual's needs, making education a deeply personal and impactful journey. This customization not only helps students grasp challenging concepts but also fosters a sense of confidence and independence in their learning process. Witnessing their growth and knowing I played a part in their academic and personal achievements is incredibly rewarding.
Other Interests
Antiquing, Backpacking, Bass, Drinking Coffee
Reviews (22)
Math - Midlevel (7-8) Math
Science - Elementary (3-6) Science
Math - Midlevel (7-8) Math
Math - Elementary (3-6) Math