What do you want to work on?
About 11239972
Elementary (3-6) Math, Elementary (3-6) Reading, ELL
Bachelors in Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster from Brigham Young University-Idaho
Career Experience
I am a lifetime learner and educator. I specialize in preschool and elementary levels. I have a degree as a preschool educator, but my life experience allowed me to help students in various levels of school. I homeschooled my children for several years, and I am familiar with a broad variety of subjects as well as challenges that come with learning new material.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love helping students grasp difficult concepts. There is no better feeling than the excitement of understanding and resolving a challenging problem. I love seeing the light in the eyes of my students after they complete their assignments and gain knowledge.
Other Interests
Cooking, Crocheting, Foreign language learning, Hiking, Piano
Reviews (66)
English - Elementary (3-6) Language Arts
FP - Elementary Math
English - College English
English - ELL