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About 11459116
Elementary (3-6) Math, ELL
Bachelors in Early Childhood Education and Teaching from Bowling Green State University-Main Campus
Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Florida International University
PHD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Florida International University
Career Experience
I have taught students of all abilities in a variety of topics including technology, psychology, research and writing, and statistics. Most recently, I have offered one-on-one tutoring to students needing help with math and writing.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love teaching and helping people. I think it is important for everyone to have positive learning experiences so they can feel good about themselves and engage their curiosity. Once a student feels they are good at learning, they will continue to seek out leaning experiences.
Other Interests
Hiking, Kayaking, Traveling
Reviews (14)
English - ELL
English - ELL
English - ELL