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About 11477347
Elementary (3-6) Reading, Essay Writing
Bachelors in Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General from Brigham Young University-Idaho
Career Experience
I have worked with individuals with special needs in various settings, which has helped me to develop skills in teaching in creative ways. I have also been a teacher's assistant in my undergraduate program as well as taught classes about how to have healthy dating and marital relationships.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love to teach, and I have found that the best experiences I have had learning, have been while I was teaching someone. It is such a joy to be able to take a concept that was once confusing and break it down in a way for someone to understand.
Other Interests
Archery, Backpacking, Badminton, Embroidery, Hiking, Reading, Scrapbooking, Sewing, Writing, Yoga
Reviews (32)
English - Essay Writing - College Level
English - Essay Writing - College Level
English - College English
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level