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About 11656106
Elementary (3-6) Math, Elementary (3-6) Reading, ELL
Bachelors in Elementary Education and Teaching from University of Richmond
Masters in Education, General from University of Virginia-Main Campus
Career Experience
I am passionate about helping students learn inside and outside of the classroom. I taught first grade for three years and elementary ESL for one year. Outside of the classroom, I was a STEAM coach for elementary school students and taught students of all ages how to swim.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love making learning fun! I aspire to help students achieve their learning goals and maximize their potential. I enjoy seeing students grow and learning from them.
Other Interests
Cooking, Dance, Listening to Music, Photography, Reading, Swimming, Tennis, Traveling, Watching Movies, Yoga
Reviews (84)
Career Services - Resume and Career Help
Career Services - Resume and Career Help
Career Services - Resume and Career Help
Career Services - Resume and Career Help