What do you want to work on?
About 11935920
Elementary (3-6) Reading, ELL
Bachelors in English Language and Literature, General from Valdosta State University
Career Experience
My teaching career began 10 years ago, as a preschool teacher. I was a lead teacher for nearly three years; then I worked as assistant director of a preschool, where I trained new teachers. In 2019, I moved to China where I worked for two years at a university teaching English to ELL students. Currently, I volunteer as an English tutor for a language school.
I Love Tutoring Because
I believe every student deserves every opportunity to succeed. I love helping people solve problems, and it is always my goal to give them the tools they need to be life-long problem-solvers.
Other Interests
Birdwatching, Cooking, Drinking Coffee, Hiking, Reading, Traveling, Video Gaming, Watching Movies, Yoga
Reviews (8)
English - ELL