What do you want to work on?
About 12206220
Elementary (3-6) Reading, Essay Writing, Literature
Bachelors in Special Education and Teaching, General from Manhattan College
Masters in Special Education and Teaching, General from Manhattan College
Bachelors in English Language and Literature, General from Manhattan College
Career Experience
I teach ELA and writing to middle and high school students. I'm passionate about reading, writing, and literature, and I really enjoy working with students to solve problems together!
I Love Tutoring Because
I love sharing knowledge and breaking down ideas. I have a lot of respect for students who actively seek help to improve their grasp of the subject and better their education!
Other Interests
Baseball, Drawing, Drinking Coffee, Music, Painting, Reading, Writing
Reviews (33)
English - Essay Writing - College Level
English - Essay Writing - College Level
English - Literature
English - Literature