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About 8176208
Elementary (3-6) Math, Essay Writing, ELL
Biology/Biological Sciences, General Major from Wake Forest University
Career Experience
I am a full time student studying biology and psychology at a liberal arts university. Using what I have learned in both subjects, I feel confident in breaking science down to its foundations and building from there. Additionally, as a liberal arts student, I maintain excellent skills in analyzing texts and writing.
I Love Tutoring Because
I believe that learning can be an enthusiastic process that builds self confidence and greater interest in the world. The support that tutors provide students brings this potential to life.
Other Interests
Archery, Creative writing, Drinking Coffee, Genetic genealogy, Listening to Music, Music, Playing Music, Reading, Singing, Songwriting, Watching Movies, Weightlifting
Reviews (215)
English - Primary (K-2) ELL
FP - Essay Writing
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing