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About 8799606
Career Experience
I am a research associate in the field of plant pathology. I enjoy learning about genes and their role in plant defense signalling against pathogens. My research focuses on the intricate biological relationships that impact agricultural health and sustainability. Beyond the lab, I am passionate about education. I take pride in helping students through mentoring and tutoring.
I Love Tutoring Because
I get to be part of student learning journey. I remember the challenges of new concepts and the feeling of being stuck. Every student is great, and each of them brings their own set of experiences, aspirations, and strengths. My goal is to help them navigate those tough topics, to see that spark when something clicks, and to celebrate every small win with them.
Other Interests
Archery, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Chess, Climbing, Golfing, Mountain biking, Traveling, Volleyball, Woodworking
Reviews (35)
Science - Biology
Science - Biology
Science - Biology