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About 9539072
Elementary (3-6) Math, Midlevel (7-8) Math, Elementary (3-6) Reading
Elementary Education and Teaching Major from Western Governors University
Career Experience
After homeschooling my kids for ten years, I decided to go back to school for a degree in elementary education. I have experience teaching in one-on-one and small group settings, as well as continuing education in evidence-based teaching strategies.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love to help students figure out the best learning methods for their unique brains. There are so many different ways to solve problems, understand concepts, and approach assignments, and I love helping students figure out the ways that work best for them.
Other Interests
Lego Building, Martial arts, Music, Reading, Taekwondo, Traveling
Reviews (115)
FP - Midlevel ELA
English - Midlevel (7-8) Language Arts
Async - English - Elementary (K-6) Essay Writing
FP - Midlevel ELA