What do you want to work on?
About 9880630
Essay Writing, Elementary (3-6) Reading, ELL
Nursing Major from California State University-Long Beach
Career Experience
I am currently a university honors student at my college majoring in nursing. In my junior and senior year of high school, I was on the executive board of a volunteer program, for which I helped manage a team of over 250 volunteers to provide virtual, cost-free one-on-one tutoring in 15 different languages and 100+ activities per week for over 800 students in 14 countries in addition to leading tutoring and activities myself. Most recently, I was a supplemental instruction leader at my university, where I communicated complicated ideas to students in a more accessible way by designing and executing various classroom activities to develop students' mastery in pre-nursing chemistry as well as mentored students one on one to support the development of active study habits, effective learning techniques, interpersonal relationships, and student rapport.
I Love Tutoring Because
I believe knowledge is nothing if not shared, so I hope that sharing my experience will help to ease the anxieties and struggles of students surrounding their academic success. Not only this, I aim to make myself a pillar of support--I want students to know that they have someone in their corner rallying for them, reminding them that they are capable.
Other Interests
Creative writing, Guitar, Jewelry, Listening to Music, Playing Music, Vintage clothing, Watching Movies
English - Midlevel (7-8) Language Arts

Async - English - General (7-12) Essay Writing

Async - English - General (7-12) Essay Writing

English - Midlevel (7-8) Language Arts