Science - Biology
I haven't utilized this service often but I'm so glad you offer it and I know it's there when I need it.
Surry Demo
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
I'm currently demoing the AI (Leo). I wanted to see what the AI was capable of doing. I did notice that there was several times where there were a few spelling and grammar issues. Also, it would not allow me to cite it nor did it want to divulge where it got it's information from. While I understand that this is a proprietary software. It could state that it was hopefully pulling information from the current edition of the DSM and that if I wanted further information that I should consider going to my college's library resource page for peer reviewed articles. Overall, not bad for an LLM in its testing stage.
Demo Student 3417
Science - Biology
Hillary Müller testing answer giving.
Demo Student 3417
Social Studies - US History
Hillary Müller testing answer giving.
Demo Student 3417
Career Services - Resume and Career Help
Hillary Müller testing for answer giving.
Demo Student 3417
English - Secondary (9-12) English
Hillary Müller testing answer giving.
SD Guest
Technology - Computer Science - Database Systems
I asked the AI about C++ in a database channel because there was no channel about programming or languages. It would be nice to have an option to look at languages and programming.
Science - Biology
This is David testing Ask LEO.
Danielle Tallent 3417
Social Studies - US History
This is a test by Danielle Tallent
David Chin
Social Studies - World History
Testing the chatbot. Really good output.
Demo Student 34181
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
This was great! I asked a 5th grade psych question about id, ego, and superego i really liked how it asked me to apply to a situation well done!
Demo Student 34183
Science - Earth Science
The response time was good. I enjoyed the interactivity.
David Chin
Science - Biology
AI bot performed admirably.
Science - Biology
It is a great tutor bot.