The end of the school year is all about tests. Lots of tests. Studying is critical to a great grade, but even the best study plan can go awry if you fall into one of these test taking traps.
Rock your exams by knowing the most common mistakes that you can easily avoid.
Pack everything you can the night before test day, triple-check your alarm, and make sure you have a full tank of gas. Leave even more time to get to your classroom than you think you’ll need.
Essays? Short answer? Multiple-choice? Walk in on test day feeling confident about what’s expected with no surprises.
Make sure you have scratch paper, the right kind of writing instrument, a calculator (charged) if you need it, water and a snack. We’ve got a handy exam checklist right here.
The wording of directions can be tricky. Make sure to read each question carefully to make sure you understand what’s actually being asked. For example, you don’t want to lose points for defining a science term when the question asked you to give an example.
For multiple-choice questions, scan all the possible answers before diving in. Sometimes there are answer options like “All of the Above” or “A and C.” You don’t want to have answered “A” and moved on without reading the rest.
If a question has you stumped, don’t waste all your time trying to figure it out. Move on and then come back if you can.
Slow down on the questions you know you can ace. You won’t make careless mistakes, and you’ll be sure to pick up the maximum number of points.
If you’re asked to write an essay, take a moment to outline your ideas before you start writing. Jot down some of your key points in the order you want to make them. Your test will read better and you won’t waste time crossing things out.
Even if you can’t spot the right answer, never leave a multiple-choice or True or False question blank. Your best bet is to guess and move on. Eliminate the choices you KNOW are wrong first, to improve your chances of getting the question right.
Read More: 10 Steps to Ace Your Next Test
If you have time to review your answers and you find a silly error, by all means fix it. But most times you want to go with your gut, rather than over thinking your answers. Many students just end up changing the right answer to the wrong one!
You won’t be hovering over your teacher’s shoulder when she grades the test to tell her what your indecipherable answer really says. Boost your grade by using your best handwriting for fill-in-the-blanks, short answers, and essays.
Read through the entire test so you know how many sections there are, and if some are going to be more challenging than others. Create a rough plan for how you’ll pace yourself on each part. You can always go back if you have extra time.
If you’ve just finished the last problem with time to spare, take the opportunity to double-check your math or read over your written answers. You might spot a mistake or remember a new detail and pick up more points!
Brain freeze can sink your test. Breathe deeply, repeat a mantra like “I’ve got this,” and remember that some test-anxiety is normal.
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