What do you want to work on?
About 9255581
English, Elementary (3-6) Reading, Literature
Bachelors in English Language and Literature, General from University of Maryland-University College
Career Experience
I was active-duty military for 5 years, followed by two years as a reservist, during which I was a full-time student. During my time in military service, I developed many skills in guiding and teaching junior personnel. I currently provide semi-regular childcare for local families, while pursuing education in library sciences. I am pursuing a master's degree in library and information science, with the career path of becoming a public or academic librarian.
I Love Tutoring Because
I have a passion for learning and hope to share this passion with individuals who may be struggling to find excitement or fulfillment in schoolwork. As a child, I struggled with math classes, and as an adult, I can relate to those who may struggle to understand or retain information in certain subjects. As a tutor, I am elated to be able to provide aid in English and literature studies because I truly love the subject and want to help guide students towards a better understanding (and, hopefully, interest) for the subject.
Other Interests
Hiking, Photography, Reading, Running, Writing, Yoga
Reviews (80)
English - Secondary (9-12) English
English - Elementary (3-6) Language Arts
English - Secondary (9-12) English
English - Secondary (9-12) English